Thursday, 6 June 2013

Mummy' s hair

My mum has had red hair for over 10 years I thinks and I don' t even remember her having something else.
She had many shades but (I thinks every person who ever had red hair knows this) the color is so hard to maintain! Especially when you have grey hair hihi.
So for the first time I was in charge of my mum's color and I am very proud of the result.

The more often you dye red hair the 'browner' and (the most annoying thing) darker it gets. So I lightly bleached the lengths and filled them in with some bright colors by Directions (tangerine, cerise, rubine and plum). The bright colors will make sure that the base color can always have a nice lively glow.

Also blow dried it straight...That was hard though. I need a lot of practice with that. 

Some bad quality photos yaaay: