Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Can't really think of a title

Been learning history all day, then made my exam and I think it went really well. I really like history.
While learning I was listening to my I-Pod. It was on shuffle, like always and there were a few songs I really enjoyed:

Egyptomania - Angry Samoans
Mexicola - QOTSA
Charlie Don't Surf - The Clash
Death Trip - The Stooges
Eat To The Beat - Blondie

Ofcourse I knew them, but I just really enjoyed them and specially enjoyed them comming by in that exact order.

This is just those kind of posts that I will tell what I've been liking this week and all.

Like, this weekend was really nice. Not much more to say about it only that it was 6:30am really fast.

I've been obsessing about my hair a lot. I want to dye it baby blue, then pink then red or whatever colour will come to my mind after that. I have to bleach my hair first and I've been over and over about the best way to do it, but I guess I just have to do it.
It has to wait 'till I have money and the weather will get better anyways. I do not want to walk around with dead bleached hair when it's raining. Going to do it when there's some sun, the shine has to come from somewhere.

I also like this:





And this:

Oh and I also like the nailpolish I just put on, it's this bowlingballish glitter turqoise:


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