Thursday, 3 February 2011

So that's that!

Working hard on my school project that is! I should be sleeping now but I was still doing my home work.
I'm doing a school project on the history of swimwear. It's actually quite fun if I wasn't so easily distracted and wouldn't have to pull myself back to it every minute. That's exhausting you know. Ok now I'm just being dramatic, but it's kind of true.
Anyways, I'm actually busy! I always feel busy, but I never really am. And it's too bad because I have all this great plans, like making clothes and writing a story about a friend. Not going to say which friend, I want people to know when they read it. I'll probably post it in a while, when I'm not so bussy anymore! Hahahah!
I didn't pick this friend for a reason, it just kind of fits .
I was just falling a sleep and then this sentence popped in my head and then I saw the whole story and then I couldn't sleep anymore. Such a burden to be so godamn creative! Oh dear...

Anyways, have to go to bed. BUSY BUSY BUSY!

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