I was very happy with my outfit and apparently so were others because people kept saying to me how gorgeous I looked and my hair. One girl also took a lot of pictures while we were dancing, I only have no idea where I can find them.
This was my outfit:
As you can see I have a bone in my hair. I've been looking for this bone for quite a while and I finally found it, at the party shop!
I also found this super cute mini skeletons at the party shop and made them into earrings. I'm also wearing those in the picture but they're too small to really see them.
Close up!

Also started on sewing a dress and I think I'm actually going to finish it and also keep making things. Don't know where this creativity is coming from but it feel very good to finally DO SOMETHING! Ha!
Ok well bye now! xxx
Wouw, wat een leuke oorbellen! I love them! Grappig dat je dat in een feestwinkel tegen gekomen bent, haha! X