Friday, 30 September 2011

A lot to do, nothing to say. Fuck, I'll write it anyway. That rhymes lolololololol

Past weeks I've been working my ass of so I didn't have any time to post anything! Still don't have time. I don't care too much but I miss doing outfit posts, specially with the blue hair and all.
Still, working this much is soooo much better then sitting in my dirty house all day, staring at a computer screen. My days of partying are definitely over though. Stopped drinking (dieting, beer is super fattening).

I start moving this weekend, cleaning everything out that's still in the house and stuff. It's making me nervous because I still have to pack EVERYTHING and my house is still messy and dirty and reeking of ...everything that is gross (rotten fruit, sour milk, beer, smoke etc.).
The most annoying thing about the mess is that all my clothes are dirty or damaged and I really don't know what to wear anymore. Feel like throwing everything away (and then buy twice as much new hehe)

Ok well, that was about it I think, here's a stupid picture of my hair looking cute:

And here is a picture of my creepers with cute socks:

And here is a song I'm loving at the moment and that can't be embedded because record companies are bitches :



  1. the bone idea is too bloody cool...i might have to 'borrow' it!...genius!

  2. I want mede the same with my hair, but I suck!!! ahah
