Being in Berlin feels a bit like being in Amsterdam, but everything is bigger, more and better?
Everyone of us kind of decided we wanted to live there for a year or more, don't know if it's actually going to happen, but it shows how nice it was.
It was a lot of fun going on vacation with my friends AND my boyfriend, although I think next time I'll stick with going to Berlin only with Boris. There weren't any fights or arguments or something, it's just a bit more relaxed when it's just the to of us. And you get to see way more.
I got two pairs of shoes. They are completely different from each other, just like in the previous post. Oh but I love them both so much.

I'm really happy and satisfied with everything I have and that is really something rare, to not want more. That's the situation where I'm in now, I hardly even know what to ask for Christmas.
i love the docs, recently got some black ones but the choice between the cherry ones and the ones i got was pretty tough! the high creepers a cool too, really like the leoppard! xx