I still have to learn to clean things or put them away right after using them. The dishes are piling up every week and then I al clean them at once, once a week. Then when everything is clean and tidy, it takes about 4 seconds to make a mess of the place again.
It is something else living on your own. I feel more mature, and independent ha! I can do whatever I want whenever I want with whoever I want.
For the first time in 1000 years I've been reading a book again, The Catcher In The Rye, a classic. I really like the book, it has a way of getting in to your head, at least it did with me. I; m almost at the end and I want to keep reading, but I don't know wich book I should read next.
In a week I'm back in BERLIN again, I'm super excited and I have been saving quite a lot of money so I'm going to SHOP TILL I DROP! dayuum.
I did buy two things while I was saving, things I had to have, things that I, once seen, could never live without.
A zebra dress and a vintage college jacket. The dress speaks for itself, zebra (I'll post a picture someday). The college jacket is so pretty because it doesnt have a name or some stupid school mascotte on it. It's plain, bordeaux red and has this cute flap on the back.

P.S:Saaantaa Clauuss is coming to town!
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