Thursday 19 April 2012

Flamingo dress

Just came home from 10 hours of work and I am exhausted.
Probably going to bed in a bit and read a BOOK.

Yesterday evening I kind of did the the same; reading, drinking tea, listening to JAZZ.
Of course this was followed by smoking joints (haha I can say this cuz I iz dutch) and drinking an entire bottle of wine with Lieselot and her boyfriend Thom.

That ended up looking like this:

I just bought the most amazing dress evahr, although I'm out of money I bought it anyway.

Yes, dress with flamingo's and a whole landscape on it. DOES LIFE GET ANY BETTER?! I hope so.
I will probably sometime post a picture while I'm wearing it. In this picture it looks a bit like a potato bag but it actually fits really well.

kisses from the misses!


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